Weather and Climate Impacts and Risks
Blue Skies Meteorological Services analyzes historic and projected weather and climate patterns to identify exposure and vulnerability to weather-related natural hazards.
Human endeavors across the globe and throughout history have thrived or perished as a result of local weather and climate, although the most important factor in success or failure is not the weather or climate itself, but rather our ability to anticipate and plan for both. Human beings can survive the most seemingly inhospitable conditions on Earth, but only if we thoroughly understand our environment, including the risks it poses to us and the impacts we impose upon it.
Weather and climate are inextricably linked to numerous economic and physical risks. The impacts of weather and climate on human endeavors and the built environment affect such diverse concerns as:
- exposure of the built and natural environment to extreme weather events
- large-scale disruption of business and commerce activities
- agricultural crop yields
- energy supply and demand
- availability of water resources
- supply chain and transportation logistics
- infrastructure capacity and robustness
Weather and Climate Risk Analyses
With extreme weather events occurring more frequently and with increasing severity, forward-thinking businesses and municipalities seek to understand their vulnerability and exposure to these weather hazards to facilitate proactive management and reduction of risk. As climatic changes bring shifts to both weather averages and weather extremes, understanding both weather-related risks and opportunities requires looking not only to the past but also to the future.
At Blue Skies Meteorological Services, we analyze not only historical weather risks and impacts but also projected future changes, allowing you to plan and build for the long-term. And we don’t just turn you loose with a meteorological report. Once our weather and climate risk analysis is complete, we continue to work closely with you and your team to interpret the meteorological data in the context of your specific needs and objectives (see our Data Analytics services).
To discuss the weather and climate impact assessment services that we offer as well as to discuss how Blue Skies Meteorological Services can provide weather- and climate-related support to specific projects or business planning decisions, please contact us via email or phone.