Blue Skies Meteorological Services: Rigorous Analysis, Compelling Communication

Meteorological Services
Forensic meteorology (weather reports) and expert witness testimony for insurance and legal matters; weather and climate research and analysis for diverse purposes, including climate/weather risk assessment, business planning, and environmental impact assessment; and data analytics to determine and optimize the relationships between the weather, climate, and your business activities and objectives.
Communications Services
Writing, editing, graphics production, and presentations on the topics of climate, climate change, forensic and operational meteorology, natural hazards mitigation, emergency management, and environmental and societal impacts, among others. Audiences range from the general public to subject-matter experts, with venues as diverse as the courtroom, classroom, and boardroom.
Forensic Meteorology Expertise
Blue Skies specializes in forensic meteorology, reconstructing complex past weather events from across the country in support of each client’s unique needs.
Client-Focused Service
We tailor our work to meet the unique needs of clients who operate across diverse disciplines. Each case, each report, each forecast is created to your specifications. Nothing we do is “standard”.
Clear, Accessible, Engaging
A dedication to clear, accessible, and compelling communication infuses all aspects of our work. Knowledge has the power to influence only when it is effectively communicated.